Only with us

Exclusive and patented technology

Hi-Fiber's patented technology is digital, efficient, biomechanically innovative. The 3D printing process produces a customized continuous fiber framework for each patient.

Patented and certified
Without waste
Metal free

Why do we use 3D printing technology?

Advanced automation for everyone

Hi-Fiber is produced by 3D printing because optimize both the design and the non-corrosive material used for the latest generation of smart and sustainable production methods, without waste.

The 3D printing process ensures that you can get them accuracy, efficiency and maximum performance of pre-stressed continuous fibers. The resulting reinforcing bar is the closest possible representation of natural bone behavior with higher strength levels.

Not only that, but lets saveon material waste and traditionally used production resources.

Precision and control

Entirely digital

Hi-Fiber was born as an entirely digital solution to allow you to take advantage of our innovative technology to design your reinforcing bars with peace of mind thanks to our production system that guarantees high accuracy in the deposition of the technopolymer of which Hi-Fiber is made.

Unique for your patient

A one-of-a-kind bespoke thread

Thanks to 3D printing technology you can get a highly customizable tailored according to the patient's morphology to recreate an original smile.

Clinical cases
Created by generative algorithms

Innovation within everyone's reach

Our generative software calculates the best internal reinforcement by analyzing the final model of your prosthesis for intelligent, guided planning and development adapted to your needs.


Innovative biomechanics

Strength vs. weight* 534.2 MPa / g
Elastic module 33.4 GPa
Tensile strength 1014.9 MPa
Density 1.9 g / cm3

Maximum performance

Hi-Fiber has a strength to weight ratio of up to six times higher compared to the other solutions.

Download the mechanical specifications
Source: Carl E. Misch, Dental Implant Prosthetics 2nd Edition, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-323-07845-0, Mechanical test results from the DCMIC Politecnico di Milano department.* With the same volume.
Certified process and products

High standards

Moi Dental's commitment in the management and quality control of its production processes has been recognized by the UNI CEI EN ISO 13485:2016 certification and by compliance with the European Directive 93/42/EEC and sm

For high standards, the materials are biocompatible according to the UNI EN ISO 10993-5 standard.

Who we are
HeadquartersVia IV Novembre 92/L420021 Bollate Italy
Registered officeViale Monte Ceneri 7820155 Milano Italy
2025 Moi Dental srlCF PI 11297420967Social capital 50'000 € i.v.Privacy PolicyCookie PolicyTerms and conditionsTracking settingsLicensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0