Our articles

Malo Clinic: Short term outcome of implant-supported restorations with H...

Miguel de Araújo Nobre, Filipe Melo, Ricardo Almeida, Carlos Moura Guedes, João Lopes, António Silva, Inês VitorYou open

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Hi-Fiber’s Strong Material

Merry Le & Tommaso GeriYou open

Why are dental reinforcements with fluorescence desirable?

Merry LeYou open

Malo Clinic’s Hi-Fiber Course Topic: The Future of Prosthodontic Educati...

Merry LeYou open

How +Lab's 3D printing research transformed the dental industry

Merry LeYou open

World’s 1st 3D printed fiberglass boat to dental reinforcements: a remar...

Merry LeYou open

Una nuova tecnologia per le migliori protesi del pianeta

Michele TonizzoYou open

Il Posizionamento Protesico Pianificato nelle riabilitazioni full arch: ...

Su gentile concessione della Dental Tribune. L’articolo è stato pubblicato su Implant Tribune Italian Edition n. 4/22You open

Workflow of All-on-4 with full-arch prostheses integrating Hi-Fiber tech...

Miguel de Araújo Nobre, Filipe Melo, Ricardo Almeida, Carlos Moura Guedes, João LopesYou open

Could Hi-Fiber be the smoothest new workflow for dental clinics and labs...

Merry Le, Miguel de Araújo NobreYou open

Future meets implantology: Un approccio rivoluzionario nella riabilitazi...

Dr. Carlo Ghezzi, Dr. Alberto Pispero, A. Marcuzzo, G. Moretti, M. TonizzoYou open

Novel 3D printing method to reinforce implant-supported denture fibergla...

Dr. Andrea Nicali, Giulia Pradal, Odt. Gianluca Brandolini, Andrea Mantelli, Prof. Marinella LeviYou open

Arco completo guidato al computer e definitivo con protesi conometrica, ...

Dr. Fabio M. FilanninoYou open

Immediate Loading Guided Surgery Full Arch with 7 anterior Socket Shield...

Dr. Fabio M. Filannino You open

The Benefits of Innovative Dental Prosthesis Reinforcement Techniques

Odt. Maurizio Mozzanica, Odt. Davide LavazzettiYou open

Maximizing Patient Satisfaction with Hi-Fiber Smile Restorations

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New 3D-printed dental reinforcements: Hi-Fiber

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Hi-Fiber technology: rehabilitating a fixed denture in 12 hours today is...

Confident Studi DentisticiYou open

Hi-Fiber: the solution combining advanced materials and robotics for the...

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The best smile at ExpoDental 2021

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Efficient Dental Work: How Hi-Fiber Streamlines Your Practice and Create...

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Dental Cadmos - Front Cover

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Dental Cadmos - Front Cover

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